Jewish tradition teaches that we are obligated to support the needs of everyone in the community where we live. Our Economic Justice Working Group partners with DC Jobs with Justice, DC Fiscal Policy Institute, the Fair Budget Coalition, the DC chapter of the National Domestic Workers Alliance, Beloved Community Incubator, and many more to work towards a DC where everyone’s needs are met and we all contribute our fair share. 

In 2023, JUFJ’s Economic Justice team is participating in coalition campaigns including:

  • Fighting for a racially equitable tax system that brings resources to our communities, because DC’s current tax system reflects a history of racist policies that privilege high-income and wealthy households. By building a tax system for the people, we can guarantee economic security for Black, brown, and working class residents instead of insulating wealth at the top.
  • Stopping exploitation of restaurant workers and consumers by making sure the elimination of the tipped minimum wage is not manipulated by the greedy restaurant lobby.
  • Demanding an early childhood education system that pays educators fairly and is accessible to all families who need it, as part of the Under 3 DC coalition.
  • Implementing fair protections for street vending, because vendors shouldn’t be harassed, arrested, or charged unaffordable fines just for working to feed their families and to meet the needs of their communities.

To get more involved with any of these campaigns, email Abi or join our next Economic Justice Working Group meeting, held in person and on Zoom on the third Wednesday of most months.

Related Events

  • DC Economic Justice Working Group: September Meeting

    September 18 | 6:00 pm7:30 pm

    Everyone in DC should have what the Torah calls dei machsoro, resources sufficient to meet their needs. Join our Economic Justice Working Group meeting on Zoom or in person to discuss our current campaigns, and how we are working with our partners to build a DC where everyone can live and thrive.

Campaign Staff