Each year JUFJ’s Heschel Vision Awards celebrate members of our community who take action with deep moral commitment and who inspire and empower others. It’s a chance for all of us to be reminded of our values and to be together in community.
We can’t gather in person this year like we normally would. Instead, we’re taking this as an invitation to get creative, try new things, and recommit to our values in fresh ways.
So SAVE THE DATES for the three-part Heschel Vision Experience! Join us (virtually) Sunday, November 15, and we hope you will also join us Tuesday, November 17, and/or Thursday, November 19 from 6:00-8:00 PM. The 2020 Heschel Vision Experience will kick off Sunday night with an online celebration showcasing inspiring honorees and the accomplishments of the JUFJ community, then continue through the week with community conversations, trainings, and much more!
With the high holidays starting tomorrow, many of us will be reflecting on the new year ahead and how we can live up to our values and commitment to justice. This year’s Heschel Vision Experience will be a chance to put our commitments into practice, and we hope you will join us there.
We’ll share more details about what’s in store in late Setember. In the meantime, be sure to save the dates, sign up for our mailing list to learn details when they get announced, and shanah tovah / happy new year for a joyous Rosh Hashanah!