JUFJ’s Guide to Annapolis Logistics
- Senate hearings will be in the Miller Senate Office Building, 11 Bladen St. Annapolis, MD 21401
- House of Delegates hearings will be in the House Office Building, 6 Bladen St. Annapolis, MD 21401
- Find updated information about room numbers at http://mgaleg.maryland.gov/ and click on “Meetings” on the home page.
- Most hearings begin at 1:00 PM Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Find updated information about hearing times at http://mgaleg.maryland.gov/ and click on “Meetings” on the home page.
- Arrive at the hearing/committee room at least 30 minutes before the hearing starts.
- Hearings in Annapolis can take a long time! The tentative bill order will usually be announced at the beginning of each hearing, but not always. The order is subject to bill sponsors’ availability, the number of bills, and the number of witnesses signed up to testify. Sometimes hearings can go late into the evening.
How to Get There
- Please plan for traffic and give yourself extra time to park and get into the building.
- We strongly suggest reserving a parking spot at least two days in advance by visiting the Annapolis parking website, selecting Gott’s Court Garage
(this is the closest to the State House) or Knighton Garage, and selecting “Buy Daily Parking.” - If you don’t reserve in advance, a good option is the Park Place Garage at One Park Place on West Street. It is a 20-minute walk to the House Office Building; or, park at the Navy Stadium and take the shuttle to the State House.
- We strongly suggest reserving a parking spot at least two days in advance by visiting the Annapolis parking website, selecting Gott’s Court Garage
- You will need a photo ID to go through security at the front door.
- When you arrive, check in with a JUFJ staff member.
- Put your coat on a seat in the hearing room as soon as you arrive. The hearing rooms often fill up and without a seat you will have to wait in the lobby.
What to Bring
- Wear a JUFJ shirt, hoodie, or beanie. Don’t have one? jufj.org/swag.
- A photo ID to go through security at the front door.
- A mask to wear when you are indoors
- Snacks and water!
- A phone to take photos of other JUFJers doing things in Annapolis, especially if they are wearing JUFJ shirts or buttons. Good options are people testifying, talking to legislators, holding up signs at a rally, etc. If you are comfortable, post photos on social media and tag JUFJ. Send photos to sam@jufj.org.
Here are the people who can join JUFJ at a Maryland General Assembly hearing in Annapolis:
- You
- Your Jewish friends and family
- Your non-Jewish friends and family
- People who are testifying about legislation
- People who are not testifying about legislation
Being a visible presence in a General Assembly session or committee hearing is a powerful piece of our advocacy work. Together, we can remind our legislators and each other that Maryland Jews believe in racial, social, and economic justice. And together, we can build a more just Maryland for everyone.
JUFJ Events in Annapolis
JXJ Film Screening: Ain’t No Back to a Merry Go-Round
September 18 | 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm
Please join us at a film screening of Ain’t No Back to a Merry Go-Round, which is a documentary about the first organized interracial civil rights protest in U.S. history & took place in Montgomery County. JUFJers should purchase their own tickets on the JCC website.
The Maryland Right to Reproductive Freedom Amendment: Why Does It Matter to the Jewish Community?
September 22 | 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Join JUFJ and Partners to learn more about the Maryland Right to Reproductive Freedom Amendment!
Fair Share for Maryland Working Group Meeting
September 24 | 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Jewish tradition teaches that in a just world, all people — regardless of race, income, or zip code — would have what the Torah calls dei machsoro, resources sufficient for their needs. Join JUFJ’s Maryland Fair Share Working Group as we work to pass the Fair Share for Maryland Plan so corporati…
Maryland Youth Justice Working Group Meeting
October 8 | 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Jewish sacred texts teach us that the world was created with both justice and mercy. Here in Maryland, children who are charged with certain crimes are sentenced as if they were adults. That is neither just nor merciful. Join JUFJ’s youth justice working group as we discuss the campaign to pass yout…