Updated November 29. 2022
The Domestic Worker Bill of Rights has passed unanimously through three committees and should be voted on by the full Council in December 2022!
Every working person deserves to be treated with respect, whether they work in an office, a restaurant, a construction site, or in a home. Jewish sacred texts tell us that when we are in the employer role, we must give our employees fair and timely compensation and maintain workplaces that offer true dignity and respect.
We’ve joined the National Domestic Worker Alliance along with partners across the city in strong support of the quick passage of this long overdue bill. After a hearing in June through the DC Council’s Labor and Workforce Development Committee chaired by Councilmember Silverman, Chairman Mendelson’s committee referral changed, moving the bill through two additional committees. This could cause delays in the passage of this critical legislation before the end of this Council session in December.
In October, two of the three committees unanimously passed the Domestic Worker Bill of Rights! There is still one more committee and the full Council to go, and Councilmember Kenyan McDuffie chairs the last relevant committee.
We need to tell Councilmember McDuffie that we want to see this bill passed in this council session.
Join NDWA, DC Jobs with Justice, and more, and tell Councilmember McDuffie to move this bill forward!